Thursday, March 11, 2010


Well the best thing thats happened kinda is getting my iPhone! The story is.. I got it off a mexican for 2 bills, then the vibration didnt work so I set up an appointment with Apple Store hoping they'd give me a new one, and they did! So I actually got a brand new iPhone 3GS for 2 bills, thanks to the suhweet warranty! Anyways I'm currently getting it jailbroken, so I cant wait til everything is settled in... like seriously I cant wait! Thinking of getting a couple cases from Incase, still deciding..


Other then the iPhone business, Tomorrow we will be playing Balboa for our first regular season game! Its really exciting to see how we do in our own division, although Balboa is known to be the favored team! Hopefully we can do good and play hard.. I really want to win. IF you read this by tonight, come out at support! @ Lincoln 430 S.Gym. =)

Been kind of slacking on school, now picking it back up! Trying to really get higher then 3.33..... but attendance is hurting me hard in some of my classes. But hey, at least I realize it!

And man.. PROM! is straight up the talk.. but kind of decided I'm not going.. I know I should but eghh.. whatev!