Couple friends came over to my place today. Didn't do much but managed to have a fun. We played Monopoly, attempted to hook up the PS2, eat, and just sit around and chill. And for everyone to acknowledge, I seriously do suck in Monopoly. I had 1 property total which gave me 6$ renting fee every time some cat landed on it. NOT BOSS. Anyways I cooked some spam masubis for them and all I get out of it was them making fun of my "dishes" -_____- HAHAHA. And random thought.. my friend A-NASTY took four trips to the bathroom. In what? 3 hours? HAHAHA! In the end, they left and I was left with a what I thought "Messed-up" TV.. During our attempt to set up the PS2 my friends played around with the TV/Plugs and we couldn't get it to work; next thing you know we couldn't even get any channels to watch. So once they left, I called Comcast for help, and to my surprise all that was "Messed-up"; was that I was on the wrong Input..... PEACE.
Ahah dope, Spam Masubi ftw though! >.>