Saturday, March 7, 2009


I am feeeeeeeling gooood! Haha, Just realized a lot of things last night while taking the bus home and I'm just feeling GREAT. Yesterday I went to watch both championship games (Lincoln vs Lowell), girls and guys. Girls won by 10 or so? Guys lost by 1.. Nonetheless both great games! Did a lot of cheering, so I'm stuck with a raspier voice which I really really do enjoy! Haha, just makes me sound manlier.. =D Waiting on my report card, I might actually get my 2nd 4.0 gpa of all time! But I kind of doubt it.. Been thinking a lot lately about college, and what to major in. Hellllla don't know what to do, but chyeah trying to focus on PSAT more then ever which is hard since it seems to be a side thing. To get into Santa Cruz with my boy Eric I have to get a really good SAT score around 1800.....! Stoneface. Since my accumulative gpa is like a 2.9 -__________- I have like a really little chance in getting in, but I guess I'll still try, Why not right?

Something to laugh at..

Today, at the dentist, I was getting my teeth cleaned. Looking up at his nose, I saw runny snot dripping onto his lip. I tried to slowly move away. He told me "Stop!" The movement of his lips caused the snot to fall right into my mouth. FML

Today, I walked into my house to find everyone sitting around the table and looking sad. I thought it would be a good time to crack a joke and said "What's wrong? Grandma finally die?" Turns out she had. FML


MIKETYSON: Are you talking out of turn?
LADYREPORTER: No, I think we're all talking together..
MIKETYSON: Normally I don't do interviews with women unless I fornicate with them... So you shouldn't talk anymore... Unless you wanna, you know.


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