Well today is the 6th of April which means I just came back from my retreat. What can I say about these 3 days? Let me share. It was actually pretty cooooooool didn't expect much in the beginning, I didn't even want to go in the first place but it was all worth it. Seriously, special thanks to Warren and Harry couldn't help to smile to know that a friend cares. Had a little long talk with them that helped me realize quite alot, it just felt good. Some highlights were: Beating Sherry in speed numerous times, taking walks, scaring people in the cabin, learning how to play BS, and just other moments that made me laugh.
I learned that.. Grace is undeserved love that is acceptable.
I realized that.. Worldly things feel great but life without God is meaningless.
I know that.. this retreat was a spark but I need to keep it going.
"I am the vine you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5
It was free time.

Away from this retreat, ITS SPRING BREAK! No homework, no school, and hopefully no stress. Lets do this.
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