HELLA PSYCHED!! haha, finally got em.. I'll probably be wearing these for the next couple of months! I'll take pictures to update and to see a difference. Of course I gotta thank the GF, Grace Tran. I was hella shocked when she walked down the stairs with the a levis bag, jaws dropped literally.
Other then that magnificient part of my day.. Tmr I'm going to go to the DMV for my permit test.. Yes, Permit test =/ And then after that off to Berkeley with my family to eat a restraraunt called Zabu Zabu. My mom wants to go there for my bday dinner.. My bday is in like 3 weeks -___- Kinda early dont ya think mom? LOL sigh, smart mother.
Some heads up for me:
- Poll Working form! Actually get it signed and turned it asap..
- Go to the college and career center to ask about CCSF! Oh BOY! -___-
- Study for Monday's Physio Test..
That is all for now, catch ya on the "flipside"!
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