This 3 day weekend has been ridiculous! Good and bad, but I'm thankful. Friday night watched "Blood Diamond" with my girl at my house. That movie was interesting! The next day I didn't really do anything much, just chilled around til 9 or so with Grace then met up Eric and Jason for tapioca @ Eggettes. After an hour or so, we headed over my place to play poker. Yeeeee boy, schooled those fools =) stayed up til 4am playing but at last I won. "Muahahaha"
Ohh jeeez, now Sunday was the highlight of my weekend. Or maybe not highlight but uhh.. I woke up at 12 or so, talked to the GF. We planned to go watch the Blue Angels at Aquatic Park but we went late cus of me again.. just like July 4th fireworks. Happy 4 months though! Anyway we watched it from a distance at a 30 bus stop, after that we headed to a BBQ. Food was good, thanks liz!

We relaxed for awhile then got swooped by Matt, he took Grace home then we were headed to a party. Freaking then! Stupid people come along.. We were one stop light from our destination. Until this dumbfck decides not to use his brakes and hammers our car.. Crazy ish.. sliding on S.BLVD and almost dying.. But hey, I'm thankful everyone in the car is alive and safe. That sh!t really was something.. left us trembling. The night was ours, til this guy almost took our life. He's such bullsh!t he better not try to pull crap on Matt.. Swear Matt's the most genuine brother out there, thanks bro, everythings gonna be good dude. We got you.

This dude though, funny story is this was the second car ride we've been in. And the first one was also a car accident -___- You know 3rd time is a strike-out, so thats not gonna happen. Jerrod though, my nig since middle school.
Currently watching Freaky Friday! I officially took out the garbage for the first time today in my house hahah. It kind of amazed me that everyone remembers to bring out the Blue/Black bin every week. Maybe its just me...
On a side note.. make life good, its yours and only yours.
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