Agh it feels so good to be chillin' during the summer, yet so bittersweet! I believe the word 'bittersweet' always tags along with the word 'graduation' Unless you really HATE school. But for me I will miss a lot of faces of ALHS and a lot of small things that happens during high school. These are stuff that I will not be able to encounter during college. No longer will I be walking through halls and shaking and giving dabs to all my friends. I will not be hanging by my locker with a couple friends to just loiter and talk about life. I will not be able to have a 2 hour lunch and be late to class trying to find an entrance but having it locked; therefore banging on the window when someone passes by. I now can not crack jokes in class and fall asleep in front of teachers. No longer will we be in groups after school chillin' with each other outside the counseling office. A lot more.. but seriously, thinking about all this, sucks! High school was grand, many regrets to what I did NOT do in HS but still I loved it.. College is a big step in life, and there are going to be so many changes. The difference between Highschool and College is so big. It goes from being spoonfed and babied to independence and get your own crap done. I'm not too sure if I'm ready but like I said before, I just have to get it done.
Graduation was a few days ago, I felt really happy to see all my classmates graduate on stage. And I laughed to see statuses talking about not being Seniors anymore, but being Alumni of c/o 2010. How much better does that sound? haha! I was happy after to see all the families/friends that supported the class, taking pictures with everyone in the end was the best. My cheeks were so tired from smiling but I'm glad I stayed.
I thank all my friends and my family for coming, I REALLY appreciated it!
Here are some pictures... although theyre all up on FB, here are some.

I love all these guys, I didnt want to clutter this whole blog with pictures but if you'd like to see more pictures just click
HERE Btw, the pictures are click-able for a bigger picture.
Time to enjoy summer!
Show me something, cause I'm trynna find something, I'm lost can you show me something, huh I'm lost can you show me something
Show Me Something - J. Cole Click!
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