So I've been in school for 2 weeks and its pretty chill so far. I got all my classes, and my schedule is looking like.... M/W/F: 910-1235 and T/TH: 1010-1225. It's funny how in the summer I woke up around 12ish and now its the time I get out of school. I'm definitely happy with my schedule, but the classes are pretty hard! Well some.. My Journalism class is really fun, and the teacher is so motivated; the work is decent. My Math class is easy since I took Advance Algebra 2 times already in HS -__- So nothing is too new. My English class is probably where my problem arises! He's a really down teacher but the workload is crazy... and the level of difficulty is something I can't handle =/ And my last class is Art, no homework so far but the stuff they talk about in class I cant really comprehend.. but hopefully thatll change!
Besides College at Skyline..

Some "Crocs" well theyre something like them.. kinda dope IMO

One of Ellen's gift Darrell and I stayed up to work on

Chilled at the pool in the AM, my toes! haha

Bay Street!

View outside of the room
I also got a new computer! Thanks to my brother. Definitely faster then my previous junk!
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