Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Lately, lately... I honestly have not been doing much or going out. But I enjoy the stillness of being in my own world. I'm secluding myself from my friends, and to the people who actually care... I apologize. It's a phase I believe, I'm finding it more appealing to spend my night or day at the gym or at home watching basketball. It's not a productive cycle and I'm aware of it, but for now, it'll do. Catching up with friends or even keeping the friendship going passes my mind. I'm contradicting myself with my previous post about valuing friendships, don't get me wrong, I still do. I'm at fault when my actions don't justify my words but just bare with me...

You would think this absence from the world was due to school but that's not the case, school is school. Just trying to get with the flow of my classes and succeed. I'm actually not enjoying my classes as much as last semester due to the lack of consistency in good teachers Skyline offers.. But I will keep striving.

With all that said, I'm still myself. Just not acting like it.

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